The epic battle continues in The Elf Wars at Slot Plus Casino, the latest installment in the explosive ‘Rudolph’ series, brought to you by Real Time Gaming. The Elf Wars sees the action intensifying, as the elf factions splinter off to ally with Santa and his North-Pole guardians, or join the rebellious Rudolph and his thugs who are determined to seize control of the lucrative...
Peer into the murky waters of the Loch Ness and find a hidden trove of treasure waiting to be discovered in Loch Ness Loot, the new 25-line slot game from Real Time Gaming. Trigger the feature and win 8 free games with prizes doubled. Any Loch Ness monster substitutes that appear during free games will expand to cover the reels! Loch Ness Loot also offers...
New players at Yebo will enjoy a welcome bonus on their first three deposits. Kicking off with the first deposit, Yebo Casino will boost that by 150% with up to R2,250 worth of additional credit. That initial leg of the package is unlocked with the special code WELCOME150.
Have that eerie feeling that someone or something is watching and following you? It might be the ghostly captain of the Ghost Ship Slot haunting you to play with a free R100 at Silversands... Use the coupon code 100FREE and see why this ghostly apparition is wanting you - or it could be off to Davey Jones' Locker for you!!! So join his crew, mop...